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Honeywell International Inc. (HON) 2024 Q2 Earnings Call Summary

July 25, 2024 Honeywell International Inc. (HON)

Market Cap0.21T
Dividend Yield0.00%

Optimistic Highlights

  • Strong Q2 Performance: Honeywell exceeded adjusted earnings per share guidance and achieved the high end of organic sales guidance ranges, with aerospace leading growth.
  • Healthy Order Rates: Order rates were robust across Honeywell, supporting expectations of organic growth acceleration in the latter half of the year.
  • Strategic Acquisitions: Honeywell announced multiple strategic acquisitions aligned with megatrends like automation, future of aviation, and energy transition, enhancing technological capabilities and growth profiles.
  • Portfolio Optimization: Progress on portfolio optimization goals through strategic acquisitions and divestitures aimed at accelerating value creation for shareholders.
  • Digital Transformation and Software Growth: Honeywell is advancing its digital capabilities and software offerings, expecting to drive sustained accretive software growth across the portfolio.

Pessimistic Highlights

  • Short-Cycle Business Challenges: Some short-cycle businesses are recovering more slowly than anticipated, impacting overall margin mix and segment profit expectations.
  • Margin Pressure: Despite strong top-line growth, there's a mix shift towards long-cycle businesses with lower margins, leading to a slight contraction in overall segment margin guidance for 2024.

Company Outlook

  • Top-Line Growth Acceleration: Honeywell increased its 2024 top-line expectations, forecasting organic sales growth of 5% to 6%, supported by strong backlog and long-cycle business strength.
  • Segment Margin Adjustments: Anticipated segment margin range for 2024 adjusted to 23.3% to 23.5%, reflecting mix pressures within strategic business groups.
  • Continued Investment in Growth: Honeywell plans to deploy significant capital towards accretive M&A and high-return growth projects, maintaining a disciplined approach to capital deployment.

Q & A Highlights

  • Q: Can you help parse out the moving parts in the guidance revision, especially regarding core profit reduction and acquisitions? (Stephen Tusa, JPMorgan)

    A: The guidance revision is roughly two-thirds due to core business adjustments and one-third due to acquisitions, including interest costs. The segment profit dollar guide has decreased, mainly due to slower recovery in short-cycle businesses and mix shift towards long-cycle businesses. (Greg Lewis)

  • Q: Are election worries delaying customer decisions, and any impact from the CrowdStrike incident? (Deane Dray, RBC Capital Markets)

    A: No impact from the CrowdStrike incident on Honeywell. Election outcomes are being closely monitored, but Honeywell is prepared for any scenario. (Vimal Kapur)

  • Q: How are commercial OE rates for MAX and 787 progressing, and any signals from Boeing on output changes? (Sheila Kahyaoglu, Jefferies)

    A: Honeywell has calibrated volumes with both Airbus and Boeing based on recent adjustments, with no material change to Honeywell's aerospace outlook. (Vimal Kapur)

  • Q: What's driving the lower expected organic margin in BA and IA for the second half? (Joe Ritchie, Goldman Sachs)

    A: The lower margin expectations are mainly due to slower recovery in certain short-cycle businesses within Building Products and Industrial Automation, impacting the overall margin mix. (Greg Lewis)

View original Honeywell International Inc. earnings transcript →

Company key drivers

Note: all the quotes from earning call transcript